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The Power of a Generator

We recently spoke to one of our customers who had a generator installed two years ago. She called to tell us that her power had gone out, and she didn’t know until she left to run some errands around town! She didn’t know she lost power because when the power connection failed, her Generac Generator, without a missing a beat or flickering a light, automatically kicked on allowing her to continue the household activities she was doing when the rest of her neighborhood was dark.

Homes and businesses lose power. It happens. It happens during the most inconvenient times. Right before dinner. During a hot, humid night when everyone is asleep. During a large thunderstorm and it wakes and frightens the kids and the animals. When it is freezing outside, and the snow is falling.

How important is electricity to you?

Losing power affects some people more than others. Those who rely on electricity for medical purposes to keep vital lifesaving equipment operating or refrigeration for medicines. The elderly and the very young are more affected by a power outage during extreme heat and cold. If you are a parent with young children, being without power for an hour could be more than disruptive. What happens when you need to heat a bottle for an infant and you don’t have power? How would you feel if you lost power in the middle of the night and no longer could hear your baby with the monitor?

Storms, summer brown outs, traffic accidents and ice storm. These are some of the ways a homeowner or business can lose power. There are also the, “don’t know why we lost power. We just did” situations. One of the frustrations with losing your power is not knowing when it will come back on. Will it be an hour, 2 hours, a few hours? Lose power in the summer and you keep the doors closed as long as you can, hoping to keep as much of the cool air conditioning inside as long as you can. Then you break out the fans. You know your ice cream and your frozen meat and all your ice cubes are slowly melting. You wonder what you will have to throw out. What you can salvage. What you will have to eat that night!

Not sure if a generator is for you? Try a portable generator!

Install the right sized reliable Generac Generator and never be bothered with a disruption in power again. Choose a generator that will keep the refrigeration and refrigerator on or a generator that will run the whole house in the event of a power outage. Not sure if a generator is for you. Have the experts at CM Mose & Son install a portable generator with an option to upgrade. Our electrical grid system is getting older and can only accommodate so much. You never know when a storm or a car will take power out. Do what you can to take power into your hands and get an estimate for a generator. With a whole home generator or a generator for your business from CM Mose & Son, you may never know if your power went out!
