AC Service Agreement Saves Time and Money

“Prevention is better than cure.”

-Desiderius Erasmus

This sentiment is as timely today as when it was coined by Desiderius Erasmus sometime during his life between the years 1466 and 1536. Along those same lines, Benjamin Franklin famously said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Both wise men understood that taking care of something the right way can keep it running smoothly and for a longer time. In our modern world, we know this to be accurate as well. Getting the oil in your car changed every 3,000 – 6,000 miles is practicing prevention. Getting your teeth cleaned and an oral cancer screening every six months is practicing prevention. These measures also provide an opportunity for early detection. Meaning, a dentist can check biannual X-rays for changes or abnormalities to catch any issues as early as possible, giving the patient the best chance to treat them early.

Many things can be done when it comes to the art of prevention. For example, the human body – what do you do to take care of your body? One can exercise, meditate, eat healthily, relax, and spend time with others. These particular actions are preventive – an attempt to take care of yourself. These self-care measures are also necessary for many other things in life, such as your house, car, HVAC system, and more. The ability to keep things running more efficiently and smoothly for a longer time is often the benefit of these efforts.

A car can get you to work and the kids to activities. It provides a sense of freedom to come and go as you please. The ability to be able to get into your car, turn a key (or press a button), and go at will is essential for many folks. Therefore, doing what is needed to maintain your car by changing the oil, the filter, and the tires when required can keep it running smoothly whenever you need to go somewhere. Your vehicle is one of the four most expensive lifetime purchases, and it is wise to maintain it with proper care. 

HVAC Service Agreement Makes it Easy

An HVAC system is one of the most expensive systems in your home to replace? Taking the time to call and have a yearly maintenance inspection and cleaning done on heating and cooling equipment is just as important as replacing the oil in a car! The most effective way for you to make sure this critical task gets done is to get a Service Agreement with CM Mose & Son. A service agreement will ensure that your equipment is checked and maintained twice a year – once in the spring for cooling and once in the fall for heating. The best part is that it is all seamless. You simply sign up and CM Mose takes care of the rest. You will also receive a 15% discount on any parts needed for repairs.

This preventive action will extend the life of your equipment (which will cost thousands of dollars to replace depending on the size of your home and your needs and requirements) and will detect potential complications before they become expensive repairs or replacements.

Prevention is always better than the cure. When it comes to a home’s heating and cooling system, a service agreement ensures that your equipment will be running efficiently and effectively when it is needed the most.

This article was originally published in June 2013 and has been recently updated.

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